No, not white woman, wing woman...
Lately I've found myself without a good wing woman. Like her counter part the wingman, the wing woman can be vital to your success on any given outing.
Here are some key things to keep in mind when you're on wing woman duty:
- Be open to different types of venues - Why must we only go to restaurant/lounges? Bars are SO much more fun! At a bar you can dress down yet still be cute and comfortable. Bars also have less pretense. Let go of your "cool" and instead of being so "chill" let's let loose a bit and have... well... FUN!
- Stop mean mugging! - The point of our outing is to meet people (read men). That's never gonna happen if you throw a dirty look at every man who walks up. If you're not interested, I might be. He might not be Idris in the face but maybe if we let him open his mouth we might hear something we like. It won't hurt if we entertain a conversation for a few seconds. If nothing else at least look at me and get a co-sign before throwing the side-eye.
- Drama Queens need not apply - If you can't go out without falling apart at the first inconvenience then you can't be on the team. Shit happens! There wasn't enough dressing on your salad at lunch, you chipped your nail walking out the door... that doesn't need to ruin the evening. It may take a while to find a park, the line might be long... BE EASY!
- Don't be cheap! - Brace yourself... you may have to buy yourself more than one drink :: flinch :: You might even have to pay a cover (gasp!!) Sometimes you have to put out. Every chick out there is looking for a free event. If you want to swing the male to female ratio in our favor, then we can't always go to the free event that every heifer in town is checking for.
- Drink things that come in pitchers - Do you know how much cheaper a pitcher of what's on tap is than that fru-fru essence of fru cocktail you just ordered? If you wanna be economical, this is the way to do it. Also, a pitcher is an easy way of "buying a guy a drink" without breaking your pockets. If you're not down for tricking a little money on a man, try taking the pressure off of a guy and ask "do you want to just split a pitcher?"
Can you live by this code? Tired of rolling dolo? Do you feel trapped in a fluke crew? If you're in the DC area and wanna go bar hoopin' hit a sista up!
**NEWS BULLETIN: I've jumped on the formspring bandwagon! I've even added a nice new widget on the top right of the page, so go ahead... ask me anything - http://formspring.me/MsVirtuocity
Clearly we have made a poor showing on our outings! I'm sorry, but I am attempting to reform in '10. Here goes... I won't mean mug (well not the guy who is eyeing you) anymore! I will buy myself that one drink (I mean 1!) and I will CONSIDER drinking pitcher liquor...ehhh, maybe. :) Pick me!