My solution... THEME MUSIC!!
Everyone should have theme music! Remember in The Best Man when Morris Chestnut walks into the club and everyone's panties got all moist?... it wasn't because he was suddenly fine. He looked just like he did walking in the club on that show he had w/ Patti Labelle (forgot about that show didn't you... lol). What he had was theme music. It takes you to another level.
Now I'm not suggesting that you walk around with your Blackberry on speaker, announcing your presence as you go to and fro. What that external sound did for Mr. Chestnut's outward appearance your internal soundtrack and do for your internal glow.
Remember Ally McBeal?... Her therapist suggested she get a theme song and when she found the right song this happened.
It may sound silly to some, but my personal theme puts an extra bounce in my step and makes me feel empowered. I suggest a theme that is not only epic and stadium worthy, I also suggest one that's sexy.
ps... when you do find someone special, try sexing to your theme music... it's a good look... TRUST ME ;)
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