(I'm going to hell for posting this, I just know it lol)

Janey was never really the religious type, but she'd humor her mother every once in a while and attend church, mainly during major holidays. This Sunday wasn't really a holiday but her mother had somehow conned her into attending because they had some new preacher everybody was all excited about. So instead of going out and shaking her ass Saturday night, she had stayed in and gotten a good night's rest and managed to wake up in time to pick up her mother and get to church before the 11am service started. Once she got a look at Pastor Williams she could see what all the excitement was about... He was fine. Actually, he was the finest preacher she'd ever seen... He was tall, well-built, brown-skinned and handsome, and had a deep, smooth voice that made her panties want to fall off. He had the congregation hanging on his every word, and when he hit the climax of his sermon the old church ladies were dropping like flies. In the row in front of hers, Mother Branson jumped up and started hollering. There weren't enough ushers to hold her down. It was the most excitement Janey’d ever seen at Holy Oak Baptist Church. When the choir started singing she felt overwhelmed by the spirit and was so moved she actually shed a tear or two. Then something strange happened… Pastor Williams had been humming along quietly as the choir sang but then raised the microphone to his lips and began singing, and oh lord could he sing.
“I don't know why…. I have to sigh sometimes,” he sang, his deep baritone filling the church to the rafters.
This put the congregation over the top. People were weeping and swaying, even the ushers were dabbing tears away. When he looked out over the congregation his eyes locked briefly with Janey’s and for a moment she felt like he was singing directly to her alone.
“I don't know why Lord… But I'll find out by and by,” he sang, and that’s when it happened. She had been swaying back and forth in her seat and suddenly discovered that the wonderful feeling she’d assumed was the holy ghost, had somehow turned into something terribly different, and she realized with infinite embarrassment and horror, that every time he glanced her way her pussy was getting wetter and wetter.
“Oh lord,” she whispered.
“Yes Lord!” her mother shouted out gleefully.
Her face flushed with embarrassment and she clutched the hymnal book tightly against her lap. She had always felt easily aroused this time of month, something to do with hormones before her cycle, but she’d never felt anything like this in church.
Pastor Williams started walking down the center aisle between the pews, still singing and rejoicing to the lord. The parishioners reached out to touch him as he walked by, and he stopped to hold Mother Jenkin’s hand for a moment until she collapsed to her knees sobbing. The ushers ran over with smelling salts and stiff cardboard church fans. He continued down the aisle and when he got to Janey’s pew he stopped and laid his hand softly on her shoulder. She tried to concentrate on Jesus, and her mother sitting next to her, and Mrs. Jenkins’ huge, ugly-ass church hat, but all she could think of was Pastor Williams long-stroking her over the back of a wooden church bench… and then… right before God, Pastor Williams and the entire congregation, with her eyes squeezed shut, and biting her lower lip hard enough to almost draw blood, she had a massive, earth-shattering, thigh-shaking orgasm. Apparently everyone just assumed she was having a religious experience because an usher ran over and started fanning her and the pastor continued down the aisle, still singing praises to the lord.
After the service ended, the congregation lined up to shake hands with Pastor Williams as they exited the church.
“Hello Mrs. Mills,” he said to Janey’s mother.
“Praise, Jesus! What a beautiful sermon!” she exclaimed, “I want you to meet my daughter!” she said, pushing Janey toward him. “I’ve never seen her more full of the spirit than I did today Pastor Williams!”
The pastor took Janey’s hand and rubbed it softly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m glad you enjoyed the service.” Her faced flushed with embarrassment as she felt a quick post-orgasmic pussy twitch.
“We’ll be seeing you next Sunday?” he asked.
“Um, I might have to work,” she replied, pulling her hand away, anxious to get home and out of her soggy panties, “but I’ll do my best to get here.”
Unfortunately her mother ended up lingering in the church parking lot for damn near close to an hour chatting with the other old hens, and finally Janey ventured back into the church to find the ladies room. She knew she’d leave a wet spot on the back of her dress if she attempted to drive home this way, so she slipped off her damp panties, stuffed them into her tiny clutch bag and forced the snap closed. On the way out the bathroom she ran headlong into Pastor Williams, the overstuffed purse flew out of her hands, hit the ground sideways, the snap sprang open, and out fell her wet black lace panties. Before she could stop him Pastor Williams had reached down and picked up her purse… and her panties. Janey was almost certainly sure that she would die of embarrassment at that very moment, yet she was strangely comforted by the fact that it would happen in a house of God since she obviously had a lot of sins that would need forgiving.
Pastor Williams handed her back her purse and then, never taking his dark piercing eyes off hers, slipped the panties into his left suit pocket.
“I’ll see you next Sunday Sister Mills,” he said turning down hallway, his hand still deep in his left pocket, “Looking forward to putting the holy spirit in you.”
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